It is no secret that it is a talent short market right now.
What once was a client-driven market has turned into a candidate-driven market almost overnight.

Obviously, for a lot of you, this is great news but it also can bring some challenges.

There is nothing worse than finally getting busy with new reqs but then not having enough resources to properly work all the roles put on your plate.
The last thing that you want to do is let your clients down after you have worked so hard to earn their business.

If you don’t have a system in place to help you quickly engage with talent then you are likely going to have some disappointed clients and you will be leaving a lot of money on the table simply because you are not able to fill the positions you have.

The challenge that most recruiting agencies are facing right now is they sound the same and use the same approach as other recruiting agencies.
In a market like this with candidates receiving messages every day you are just caught up in the noise…even if you have the best position available to them.

Connecting with talent digitally is still one of the most overlooked approaches that can generate results.
No, I am not talking about drip email campaigns or automated LinkedIn campaigns.
I am not talking about LinkedIn Recruiter.
I am not talking about banging another 50 calls a day.
I am talking about attracting the very best talent in your industry to your firm…

I am talking about becoming the go-to authority in your market.
If you want to make sure you are capitalizing on this hot market, then you are going to want to expand your candidate attraction toolbox so you can keep your clients happy and make a little money along the way.

Today I am going to share how my best clients are Capturing The Attention of Passive Talent With Their Digital Presence

Listen now to learn more!







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