How many times do you sit around twiddling your thumbs when you need to make a decision?
You are fearful of making the wrong choice and often this fear paralyzes you so you just stay right where you are….
Being comfortable.
On the other side of fear is opportunity.
But if you are comfortable you can be assured you are not growing.
We all get that pit in our stomach when we are facing a difficult decision.
Do you tend to listen to your gut or do you tend to take risks?
Most the time, our gut is telling us to be conservative because we are afraid to make that wrong choice.
Often times success comes after we break through a difficult challenge.
Sometimes we just don’t trust ourselves to overcome these challenges.
Maybe you don’t trust yourself because of your past experiences.
Maybe you had messed something up in your childhood that caused a negative reaction by your friends and peers.
Or maybe you have already tried to grow your business and have “failed.”
Whatever the reason is ….
Your lack of trust in yourself is holding you back.
I know you have made a wrong decision before even when you saw all the red flags.
I know I have….
The red flags were there when I partnered with a complete fraud 10 years ago.
I saw them and ignored them because I was young and naive and thought that nobody would screw me over.
I was wrong….
But I also learned from this mistake.
I learned:
- Failure isn’t a reason to judge myself (I don’t fail because I always learn)
- To forgive myself for past mistakes
- Times will get tough but I need to commit to get through them.
And the biggest lesson I learned is how to trust myself again after making a poor choice.
- The inability to trust oneself comes from:
- Not knowing who we are
- Negative past experiences
- Fear of failure
- External pressure
- Low self esteem
So which of these is holding you back from concurring your next challenge?
Are you afraid what your friends might think if you commit to losing 30 pounds?
Do you think your family is going to come down on you when you invest your last bit of savings to grow your business?
Is the little voice in your head telling you you’re not good enough because you have failed trying to concur this exact same thing before?
Whatever it is…
Its time to start putting all of your eggs in your own basket.
No matter your past circumstances, the time to double down on yourself is now.
Success is 100% your responsibility.
When I realized this, my life started to take off.
So when are you going to step outside of you comfort zone to:
Challenge yourself?
Take action?
And trust that no matter what you will succeed.
Mindset is everything and the most important person we need to trust is ourselves.
Trust yourself and take action toward something today that you have been fearful of going after.
It’s time for you to step up!