I had the pleasure of interviewing Brianna Rooney (AKA the Millionaire Recruiter). Brianna owns Techees Recruiting and The Millionaire Recruiter.
Techees is a firm that places highly sought-after software professionals with companies in the Bay Area that are high profile, high-growth, VC backed, profitable, pre-IPO and/or public.
Brianna also created The Millionaire Recruiter, a 6-week Bootcamp for recruiters that comes with an interactive 3-hour eCourse, professionally done and trains you like she would if you were in her office.
In this episode Brianna shares her journey from starting in the recruiting industry at 21 and starting her own firm a few short years after to now running a team of over 15 people. She also talks about her passion of changing the industry as a whole by providing top quality recruiter training in her Millionaire Recruiter program.
Really great interview and we both agree that mindset is absolutely the key to obtaining the kind of success you deserve.
In this episode:
- About Brianna
- Brianna’s journey in the recruiting industry
- Challenges from a mindset standpoint
- Getting help from someone
- Challenges between doing things on her own and running a team
- What’s the end game
- Difference of Techees from others
- The Millionaire Recruiter
- Biggest takeaways for clients going through The Millionaire Recruiter program
- Accountability from having an executive coach
- Brianna’s mantra
- Building mindset and power
- Recommended book
- Piece of advice to the listeners
Brianna’s Website: https://themillionairerecruiter.com/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bmarie/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/briannarooney84
Website: https://donniegupton.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/donnieguptonmarketingcoach/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/donniegupton/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/donnie-gupton-77284512/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DonnieGupton
Guide: https://www.donniegupton.com/rrguide/